In the teas and herbs category, you will find teas and herbs designed to nurture your beauty and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Trusted producers are just part of what you can expect. There's plenty to choose from - red root, white silvergrass, narrow-leaved gaurometer, caraway, barberry root, birch buds. A wide variety for your healthy habits!
Elecampane root herbal tea Original Herbs, 50 g
Juniper fruit herbal tea Original Herbs, 50 g
Red Clover Herbal Tea Original Herbs, 50 g
Common Centaury herb tea Original Herbs, 50 g
Japanese pagoda tree herbal tea Original Herbs, 50 g
Damiana leaves cut herbal tea, 50 g
VitalSpur Matcha green tea powder, 100 g
VitalSpur Matcha green tea powder, 100 g
Lekraset Ivan Tea Fireweed, 50 g
White cinquefoil herbal tea Lapcatka Belaja Lekraset, 20 g
Lekraset herbal tea "Aspen", 50 g
Lungwort herbal tea leaves cut (Pulmonaria herba), 50 g
Herbal tea A. P. Selivanov ivan-chai fireweed leaves
Herbal tea "Ivan tea" rosebay willowherb, 50 g